Saturday, March 29, 2008


This is soooo gross. We went to a Easter egg hunt for our community and Bella was getting mad because I wasn't giving her any candy (hence the tears). So finally I gave in I know I'm a big softy. Does anyone want a lick?


An Errand of Angels said...

Eeewwww! A little salt with your sucker???

Ami Bethea said...

MMmmm, looks yummy. Blue raspberry-snot flavor.

Stephanie said...

That seriously is my favorite! I showed Cory and he about lost it.

Cookie Mama said...

She's so beautiful she still looks cute even with her 'special' flavored sucker.

Anonymous said...

looking at her suck that brings back memories of my girls sucking me at that age, mmmmmmmmmmmmm grandkid coming soon girl or boy they will learn to suck

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