November 21, 2006
Yout first bithday
November 21, 2008
It seems like only yesterday that the doctor put you in my arms. You were the cutest thing I ever did see. I cant believe that you are already 2 years old. Always keep that big beautiful smile on your face . We love you Izabella Joy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
She's SOO cute! Happy Birthday Bella!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BELLS!! The boys were too shy to call her this morning, but they wondered if we were coming over to your house for her bday party. We thought we'd try this afternoon to see if they would call her and got busy and now they are asleep! But we love Bella and miss all of you so much. Hope she has a great #2!
We Love you Bella! Hope you had a great 2nd b-day. She looks so big, I can't believe she is 2! Miss you guys!
She is growing waaaay too fast and is so stinkin' cute! We miss you all so much!! Happy, happy 2nd birthday, Bella! Let me know when her present arrives - I hope she likes it. My love to you all!
she has a beautifulpussy love to see it now
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