Saturday, May 3, 2008

Big Girl Bed

I decide to take Bellas crib down the other day and she was so excited about her big girl bed. I was hoping that she would actually sleep in it. She didn't do that well the first couple nights but she is doing so much better now. and


amie979 said...

O my gosh!! How old is she..I thought she was a baby when you were here last (I know she wasn't but she seemed little still) Can't wait til you get home.

amie979 said...

PS How'd you get that cute title at the top of your page? Hook a sister up!

Ami Bethea said...

Yeah for Bella!! She is getting too big.

Stephanie said...

She is so dang cute, and getting way too big!

Anonymous said...

not a big girl until she takes it in the ass i am happy to oblige

Cook Family Travels